
Active Assistive Exercises - are exercises performed by the patient with the assistance of an external force such as therapist, or special self-propelling exercise Equipment.

Active assisted exercises are used when:

  1. The muscles acting on one of the body levers are too weak to bring about movement, or
  2. The muscles are too weak to control the movement adequately
  3. For the restoration of mobility
  • To assist movement in case of muscle weakness.
  • To increase ROM.
  • To assist functional activities of ADL.
  • After removal of plaster cast.
  • Following tendon or muscle transplantation.
  • As a method of muscular reeducation

Here, at Aquatic Rehabilitation Center we use special self-propelled mechanical exercise tables to help patients with limited mobility and reduced Range of Motion to treat their conditions. People with limited mobility, those rehabilitating after surgery, and those undergoing cardiac rehabilitation benefit the most from this unique equipment. We are very proud to offer this unique and useful type of equipment at our facility.
